question by kappenfreak83: How well is the cap manufactured?
Karinarink1 answered: it’s kinda okay, you get what you can expect for that price.
question by jkoenig81: Does anyone wear this cap to play tennis and can tell me if it’s okay and also whether I should rather choose a light color?
Ninaberlin answered: If this answer can influence your purchase decision, I would like to answer your question with a yes. I have worn the cap many times while playing tennis and can confirm that it is very well suited for that.
question by siroliver82: Stupid question … can one remove the S(I) logo without having any residues?
Doreen Schumann answered: Sorry, I had the wrong cap in my hand. I looked at the cap again. The sign is provided with barbs which are hooked into the fabric. I suspect that the hole is slightly larger if you remove it.
question by LukasFash: Is this an authentic Sorgen (International) cap (original) or fake?
Lev Khay answered: I do not know but think 99% authentic